Monday, July 27, 2009

Dedication Day

On Sunday we dedicated our sweet Adeline to the Lord. We made a commitment to raise her in a christian home. We made a vow to introduce her to Jesus as her Lord and Savior. We do not want this sweet baby to grow up anytime soon but we look forward to the day that she makes this decision for herself. In the meantime we will continue to pray for her and pray that we can be the godly parents we long to be. It was such a special day full of blessings and we are so thankful for our precious girl, our family, our friends and our church family. The Lord has put amazing people in our lives. God isn't just good, He is great!!

Adeline is wearing the dress that Shay's Meme made almost 40 years ago. Every grandchild and great grandchild on the Nichols side of the family has worn it. It is absolutely breathtaking.

It was a long weekend.....time to just relax!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Give Away

My friend Carrie is doing a bow give away. I LOVE hair bows so I'm posting this on my blog so I can get more entries........If you want to enter go to, but don't win because I want to ha ha. Wish me luck.....I never win this kind of stuff.


Monday, July 20, 2009

Guess What.....

This sweet little punkin has slept through the night 3 nights in a row. KNOCK ON WOOD!! Hopefully I'm not jinxing it with this post. We started a strict "Baby Wise" schedule a little over a week ago. You know eat, play, sleep, and she has done really well. Last week she was sleeping at least 6 hours and I thought I was in heaven....that is until she decided to sleep 9 hours for the last three days. Now that is good sleep. She sleeps in her crib, in her room all by herself. I know that some mom's claim their babies sleep this way at 6 or 8 weeks, I am thankful it happened for us at 12 weeks. I feel like a new mama.

I hate to always talk in comparisons but I must point out that Mary Selwyn did not sleep through the night until she was 18 months old. That was just 6 months ago. I told everyone that I was a baby wise failure. No matter what we did the child would not sleep. This is a very welcomed difference between my two girls.

Adeline is a great baby. She only cries when she is hungry or sleepy. She is completely content otherwise. She is so smiley. She gives you a big smile whenever you look at or talk to her and she always smiles when Mary Selwyn is in her line of vision. And oh how I love the little gurgles she gives back. It is the sweetest sound. We are having a fun time.....sleep is really doing this family good if you couldn't tell!

Ready for church

A lazy Sunday afternoon

Monday, July 13, 2009

Chart Topper

Mary Selwyn had her 2 year old check up last week and you will be happy to know that she is at the top of the charts in both height and weight. She weighed 34 pounds, 95-98%, and was 36 inches, 98%. Not surprising. She has been a chart topper since the day she was born. The doctor was very impressed with all her stats and with how smart she is, of course.

Two is a fun age but it can be very trying as well. We have full fledged meltdowns that occur much more often than we would like. She is opinionated and sometimes stubborn. The other day she was mad at me for some unknown reason, just like a girl right, and she looked at me through her tears and said "Bite my toe mama!" I have no idea where she got that from and I have to admit I laughed. I was thinking did she just tell me to bite her toe? Well she did and we had to have a talk about why that was not very nice. I continue to be amazed by the things she can come up with.

Despite all those "terrible 2" moments she really is such a joy. She plays so well with other kids and continues to love her little sister unconditionally. She is never ugly to Adeline at all and just showers her with hugs and kisses all day. She loves to be right up next to her all the time.... and when I say right up next to her, I mean right next to her. There are times you couldn't slide a piece of paper between them. Adeline doesn't seem to mind. I know these days won't last forever and probably sooner rather than later they will be engaging in petty arguments over toys and clothes and everything else. I'm trying to enjoy them as much as possible.

Mary Selwyn is now pee-pee trained. We are still working on the other but it shouldn't be much longer. I am impressed with how easy potty training has been so far, knock on wood. My new favorite thing she does is sing along with songs. She has been singing songs for several months but now she has started to sing along with songs on TV or in the car. It is so funny. She is always a step behind but just sings her little heart out. I love it. She is such a big girl and can do almost everything. She is lots of fun and full of energy. Life with a toddler is anything but boring.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Party Pictures

Mary Selwyn was one lucky girl this year. She had TWO birthday parties. On Thursday, her actual birthday, we took her and a few of her little friends to Chuck E Cheese to celebrate. Mary Selwyn was so excited. She often thanks God for Chuck E Cheese when she says her prayers at night so she couldn't wait for everyone to come to her party there. Then on Friday night we had a small family party at Meme and Papa's house. So here are the million pictures we took this weekend. It was fun and I'm a little sad the celebration is over.

The Kids were very excited when Chuck E showed up to the party.

Present time!

Mary Selwyn and Anna Clare....or "Uncle Care" as MSN calls her.

Mary Selwyn's present from Mommy and Daddy and Adeline. She wouldn't stick her head out for the picture.

Party #2, Cake #2

A new doll!

Mary Selwyn and Kate.

Looking for birthday bugs

All the Grandparents and the birthday girl.

This is Mary Selwyn wearing her daddy's Hee Haw overalls. They were Shay's when he was a kid and they fit Mary Selwyn perfectly. I let her wear them to watch fireworks after a very long day on the river to celebrate the 4th. They kept the bugs away. Aren't they cute?

I also have to mention one other exciting thing I got to do this weekend. I got to meet this sweet little firecracker. Gracie Gill was born on July 3. I am so happy for my some of my best friends Ashley and Blake. My mom and I made a quick trip to Tuscaloosa to meet Gracie. She made it into the world just in time to help her parents open their brand new Chick-fil-A. She is going to be a busy baby girl.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Say It Ain't So....

My Mary Selwyn is 2 years old today! How is that possible?? Where did my baby go?? It is so hard to believe. Even more unbelievable is how much I adore her. She is the most precious child. Loving, affectionate, polite, smart, funny, adorable, I could go on and on forever. She is such a blessing. Whenever I look at her I think about how we tried for a year to have that baby and how excited we were when we found out about her. She was well worth the wait. I enjoy spending everyday with her. She is the best and makes me and her daddy so happy! We love you, love you, love you Mary Selwyn!!! I am so proud of you and even more proud to be your mommy. I cannot believe you are 2 years old.......what a big girl! Happy Birthday to our Big Bug!!
In my last post I said that I think Adeline's age is the sweetest age, well I think this, Mary Selwyn's age is the funnest age (yes I know funnest is not a word and I chose to use it anyway).